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gravitational pull (星球等對另一物體的)引力作用。

gravitational wave

Matese studied 82 comets from the oort cloud and found common elements in the shape of their orbits that could only be explained if they had been influenced by the gravitational pull of an object several times the size of jupiter and existing about 25 , 000 times farther from the sun than the earth 馬泰塞研究了來自奧爾特云的82顆彗星,發現在它們軌道的形狀上有共同的因素,那只有在它們是被一個數倍大于木星的天體的引力作用所影響,且這個天體距太陽的距離比地球要遠25 , 0000倍的情況下才能解釋。

There are two major errors . the first one is the error occurred in measuring v . although astronomers can locate v of individual galaxy accurately through the spectrum and the doppler s effect , owing to the gravitational pull exerted from neighbouring galaxies and clusters of galaxies , v is not wholly determined by the expansion of the universe 有兩個主要的誤差:第一個是測量退行速度的誤差,雖然天文學家利用光譜及多普勒效應,已經很準確地找到個別星系的退行速度,但由于與鄰近星系及星系團的引力作用,這個退行速度便不完全是因宇宙膨

The gravitational effect of matter caused acceleration and an unstable universe , which einstein did not want , since at the time the universe was not known to be expanding . thus einstein introduced a cosmological constant into his equations for general relativity . this term acts to counteract the gravitational pull of matter , and so it has been described as an anti - gravity effect 當時科學家并不知道宇宙正在膨脹,所以愛恩斯坦對這樣的宇宙模型并不滿意,故特意在廣義相對論引力方程中加入一個人工的宇宙常數,這個常數的作用,相等于一個和引力相反的排斥力,以抵銷引力的作用。

In 2003 , peak activity is expected to occur on 18 november . because meteoroids are unevenly distributed along their paths around the sun and gravitational pull from nearby planets may perturb their orbits , the time of peak activity and the number of meteors cannot be predicted exactly 由于流星體是不均勻地分布在環繞太陽的軌跡上,往往受行星引力的影響而令軌道產生變化,因此要準確地預測流星雨高峰值出現的時間及流星數目是很困難的。

A consequence of einstein ' s general theory of relativity ? one of the pillars of modern physics ? says that black holes formed by collapsing objects such as stars are so dense that nothing , not even light , can escape their gravitational pull 愛因斯坦的廣義相對論作為現代物理的支柱理論之一,能通過其得出的一個結論? ?由恒星之類的巨大物體崩塌而形成的黑洞密度大到任何物體都無法逃脫其重力的吸引,連光都不例外。

The constituents of these systems ? stars and gas in the case of galaxies , gas and galaxies in the case of galaxy clusters ? move about but do not escape , because they are checked by the gravitational pull from the rest of the system 這些系統的組成(星系中的星球與氣體,或是星系團中的氣體與星系)可以運動但卻不會逃離,是因為它們被系統里其他部分的重力拉住。

The gravity model was originally motivated by the observation that flows decrease as a function of the distance separating zones , just as the gravitational pull between two objects decreases as a function of the distance between the objects 重力模型起初的目的是描述是交通量隨著小區之間的距離而減小,正如萬有引力隨著量物體之間的距離而減小。

The accepted wisdom has been that the planets grow from a core of solid material that , once it reaches a critical mass , has enough gravitational pull to attract most of the gas in its orbit 大家一致公認的是:一旦固態物質的質量達到某個臨界值、具有足夠的引力吸引軌道上的大部分氣體,行星便會以此為核心逐漸形成。

Astronomers cannot see the planet through telescopes , but they can detect a wobble in the motion of pegasus 51 - - caused by the gravitational pull of a massive object circling it 天文學家不可能借助望遠鏡看到這顆行星,但他們可以測出天馬星座51運行中一種不等速行動? ?這是由圍繞它運行的大量物體的引力所引起的。

Most meteors do burn up when they enter the earth ' s atmosphere , with the exception of the large meteors , which are dragged through the earth ' s atmosphere by the earth ' s gravitational pull 大多數流星在進入地球大氣層時就已經被燒化了,除了一些特別大的流星,它們穿過大氣層,被地心引力拖了下來。

Slowed , pulling away from the invisible dark matter particles . the researchers said they could detect the dark matter particles by their gravitational pull on the surrounding visible particles 當氣云相撞時,可見氣體粒子運動速度減慢,這正說明圍繞在周圍的不可見粒子對它們產生了引力作用。

Columbus , who had discovered the new world , changed his fate because he knew a lunar eclipse beforehand . tides are also mainly produced by the gravitational pull from the moon 發現新大陸的哥倫布,就因為預先知道月食而扭轉乾坤;潮汐漲退也是主要受月球引力的影響而產生。

Columbus , who had discovered the new world , changed his fate because he knew a lunar eclipse beforehand . tides are also mainly produced by the gravitational pull from the moon 發現新大陸的哥倫布,就因為預先知道月食而扭轉乾坤潮汐漲退也是主要受月球引力的影響而產生。

Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble , but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull , and you have some idea of the force of a black hole 設想一下地球減小到彈球大小,但仍有相同的質量和一樣強大的地心引力,你就會對黑洞的力量有某種概念。

Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed , its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside 太陽系是由受太陽引力約束的天體組成的系統,它的最大范圍約可延伸到1光年以外。

There is reason to believe that our milky way is itself an outlier of the big virgo cluster , responsive to its steady gravitational pull : part of a supercluster 有理由相信我們的銀河系是大室女座星系團的外層星系,響應著一個超星系團的一部分的穩定的引力。

During the merging process , the central black holes would grow even larger by sucking in extra matter with the help of the gravitational pull of galaxies 在融合過程中,中心的黑洞也會融合,并在星系引力拉扯的協助下,吸食更多物質,產生更大的黑洞。

The undulating waves of the open sea are generated by three natural causes : wind , earth movements or tremors , and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun 公海上起伏的波浪是由3個自然因素構成的:風、地球的運動或震顫和月亮、太陽的引力。

Tides , the periodical rise and fall of the waters of the ocean , are due to the gravitational pull of the moon and , to a lesser extent , of the sun 潮汐這種海水定期漲落的現象是由月球的引力造成的,在較少的程度上也是由太陽的引力造成的。